


姓    名:黄健

性    别:男






2020.07~至今      太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐  博士后/助理研究员

2014.09 ~2020.07  太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐  交通运输工程专业(博士/博士研究生)

2012.09 ~2014.06  太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐   船舶与海洋工程专业(硕士/硕士研究生)

2008.09 ~ 2012.06 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐   能源动力系统及自动化专业(本科/学士)




1)基于粘弹性和厚度效应的水润滑橡-塑尾轴承联合减摩降磨机理研究, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2022.01~2024. 1230万, 主持

2)基于多层结构橡塑材料的水润滑尾轴承摩擦振动抑制机理研究,太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐自主创新研究基金项目,2020.09~2022.062万, 主持


XX波浪能及多场景轴承 XX技术,GF重大项目,2022. 10~2023. 112550万,参与。

4)水润滑轴承性能仿真分析、板条材料试块及缩比样件测试服务实施方案,一般纵向,2021. 11~2022.9 230万,  参与。

5)水润滑轴承激励特性试验研究, 一般纵向,2021. 11~2022.0654.58万,参与。

6)三峡升船机通航初期运行维护关键技术研究,一般纵向,2021.05~2023. 12399万,参与。

7)丁腈橡胶基纳米复合材料水润滑轴承的摩擦学行为与机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.01~2019. 1263万,参与。

8×××水润滑橡胶尾轴承×××机理的研究  ,教育部预研项目,2014.01~2015. 1280万,参与。


    发表高水平学术论文5篇,第一/通讯作者6 篇,其中 SCI检索5(国际T12),国内1区论文检索2篇,获得省部级奖励1项,授权发明专利1项。


   (1)Huang Jian*, Zhou Xincong,Wang Jun,Tang Xinwang,Kuang Fuming.Inuence of temperature on friction of polymeric materials in water [J].Wear,2019,426-427:  887~895.(SCIIF=4.695,JCRQ1,10. 1016/j.wear.2019.01. 115)

   (2)Ouyang Wu, Liu Qilin, Xiao Jinhua, Huang Jian*, Zhang Zhuo, Wang Lei. Experimental study on the distributed lubrication characteristics of full-size water-lubricated stern bearings under hull deformation [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, Vol.267, 113226. (SCI, IF=4.372, JCR:Q1, 10. 1016/j.oceaneng.2022. 113226.)

   (3)Ouyang Wu, Wang Bin,Huang Jian*. Regional characteristics and control method of the mixing flow pattern for water-lubricated tilting pad thrust bearings  [J]. Applied  Sciences-Basel, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 14, P6999.  (SCI, IF= 2.838, JCR:Q2, 10.3390/app12146999)

   (4)Liu Xueshen, Huang Jian*, Yang Chaozhen, Xing  Shaopeng, Wang Peng, Zhou Xincong. Molecular dynamics simulations  probing  the  effects  of interfacial  interactions  on  the  tribological  properties  of nitrile  butadiene rubber/nano-SiO2  under  water  lubrication  [J]. Materials  Today  Communications,  2022,   104165.  (SCI,  IF= 3.662,JCR:Q3, 10. 1016/j.mtcomm.2022. 104165)

    (5)Zhou  Xincong,  Yang Chaozhen,  Huang  Jian*,  Liu  xueshen,  Zhong  Da,  Wang Peng,  Wan  Gao.  Tribological behavior  of UHMWPE  in  water lubrication: the  effect  of molding  temperature  [J].  Industrial Lubrication  and Tribology, 2022. (SCI,  IF=1.297,JCR:Q4, 10. 1108/ILT-09-2021-0371)

   (6)周新聪, 杨超振, 黄健*,刘学申 .沙水润滑下纳米改性 NBR材料的摩擦学性能[J].摩擦学学报,202141 (4)564-571. (EI)

   (7)周新聪, 钟达,黄健*,杨超振,刘学申,刑少鹏,汪鹏. ATP 改性 UHMWPE水润滑轴承材料的摩擦学特性研究[J].摩擦学学报, 2022, 042(003):632-641.(EI)

   (8)Yang Chaozhen, Zhou Xincong, Huang Jian, Kuang Fuming, Liu Xueshen. Effects of sediment size and type on the tribological properties of NBR in water[J]. Wear, 2021, Vol.477:203800.

   (9)Fuming Kuang, Xincong Zhou, Zhenglin Liu, Jian Huang, Xueshen Liu, Kangwei Qian, Konstantinos Gryllias. Computer-vision-based research on friction vibration and coupling of frictional and torsional vibrations in water- lubricated bearing-shaft system[J]. Tribology International, 2020, Vol. 150:106336.

   (10)Xueshen Liu, Xincong Zhou,  Chaozhen Yang, Jian Huang, Fuming  Kuang, Hao Wang.  Study on the  effect of particle size and dispersion of SiO2 on tribological properties of nitrile rubber[J]. Wear, 2020, 460-461:203428.

   (11)Fuming  Kuang, Xincong  Zhou,  Jian  Huang,  Hao  Wang,  Pengfei  Zheng. Machine-vision-based  assessment  of frictional vibration in water-lubricated rubber stern bearings[J]. Wear, 2019, 426-427: 760-769.

   (12)Zhou Xincong, Kuang Fuming, Huang Jian, Liu Xueshen, Gryllias Konstantinos. Water-Lubricated Stern Bearing Rubber Layer Construction and Material Parameters: Effects on Frictional Vibration Based on Computer Vision[J]. ASLE Transactions, 2021, 64(1):65-81.

   (13)Liu Xueshen, Zhou Xincong, Kuang Fuming, Zuo Houxiu, Huang Jian. Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Nitrile Rubber Reinforced by Nano-SiO2: Molecular Dynamics Simulation[J]. Tribology Letters, 2021, 69(2).

   (14)Fuming Kuang,  Xincong  Zhou,  Jian  Huang,  Xiaoran  Zhou,  Jun  Wang. Tribological  Properties  of  Nitrile Rubber/UHMWPE/Nano-MoS2 Water-Lubricated Bearing Material Under Low Speed and Heavy Duty[J]. Journal of Tribology, 2018, 140(6):1- 11


    中国航海学会科学技术奖一等奖,2020年,14/15,证书编号:HG 20-01-05-15-14.
