姓 名:贺利军
性 别:男
2022/07–至今, 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐,太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐,副研究员
1. Wenfeng Li, Lijun He*, Yulian Cao. Many-objective evolutionary algorithm with reference point-based fuzzy correlation entropy for energy-efficient job shop scheduling with limited workers [J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022,52(10): 10721-10734. (SCI检索,IF 19.118,国际T1区,领域Top)
2. Lijun He, Raymond Chiong, Wenfeng Li*. Energy-efficient open shop scheduling with automated guided vehicles and deteriorating jobs [J]. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2022, 30: 100387. (SCI检索,IF 11.718,国际T1区,领域Top)
3. Lijun He, Raymond Chiong, Wenfeng Li*, et al. Multiobjective optimization of energy-efficient job-shop scheduling with dynamic reference point-based fuzzy relative entropy [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(1): 600-610. (SCI检索,ESI高被引论文,IF 11.648,国际T1区,领域Top)
4. Lijun He, Wenfeng Li*, Yu Zhang, et al. A discrete multi-objective fireworks algorithm for flowshop scheduling with sequence-dependent setup times [J]. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2019, 51: 100575. (SCI检索,IF 10.267,国际T1区,领域Top)
5. Lijun He, Wenfeng Li*, Raymond Chiong, et al. Optimising the job-shop scheduling problem using a multi-objective Jaya algorithm [J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2021 , 111: 107654. (SCI检索,IF 8.263,国际T1区,领域Top)
6. Lijun He, Yulian Cao, Wenfeng Li*, Jingjing Cao, Lingchong Zhong. Optimization of energy-efficient open shop scheduling with an adaptive multi-objective differential algorithm [J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 118: 108459. (SCI 检索,IF 8.263,国际T1区,领域Top)
7. Lijun He, Raymond Chiong, Wenfeng Li*, Gregorius Satia Budhi, Yu Zhang. A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for achieving energy efficiency in production environments integrated with multiple automated guided vehicles [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022: 108315. (SCI检索,IF 8.139,国际T1区,领域Top)
8. Qianqian Zheng, Yu Zhang, Hongwei Tian, Lijun He*. An effective hybrid meta-heuristic for flexible flow shop scheduling with limited buffers and step-deteriorating jobs [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2021, 106: 104503. (SCI检索,IF 7.802,国际T1区,领域Top)
9. Yu Zhang, Hongwei Tian, Lijun He*, et al. A two-phase stowage approach for passenger-cargo RoRo ship based on 2D-KP: coping with complex rotation and safe navigation constrains [J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8(1): 95807-95822. (SCI检索,IF 3.367,国际T2区)
10. Lijun He, Wenfeng Li*, Yu Zhang, Jingjing Cao. Review of swarm intelligence algorithms for multi-objective flowshop scheduling [C]. The 11th International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing System (IDCS 2018), Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 10-13, 2018: 258-269. (EI检索)
11. GuangyuZhu*,LijunHe, Xuewei Ju, et al. A fitness assignment strategy based on the grey and entropy parallel analysis and its application to MOEA [J].European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 265: 813-828. (SCI检索,IF 5.334,国际T1区,领域Top)
12. Wenjie Xu, Lijun He, Guangyu Zhu*. Many-objective flow shop scheduling optimization with genetic algorithm based on fuzzy sets [J].International Journal of Production Research, 2019, 59(3):702-726. (SCI检索,IF 8.568,国际T1区)
13. Lei Cai, Wenfeng Li*, Yun Luo, Lijun He. Real-time scheduling simulation optimization of job shop in a production-logistics collaborative environment [J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2022, online. (SCI检索,IF 8.568,国际T1区)
14. Wenchao Yang, Wenfeng Li*, Yulian Cao, Yun Luo, Lijun He. Real-time production and logistics self-adaption scheduling based on information entropy theory [J]. Sensors. 20(16), Aug. 2020: https://doi.org/10.3390/s20164507. (SCI检索,IF 3.576,国际T3区)
15.Wenchao Yang, Wenfeng Li*, Yulian Cao, Yun Luo, Lijun He. An information theory inspired real-time self-adaptive scheduling for production-logistics resources: framework, principle, and implementation [J]. Sensors. 20(24), Dec. 2020:https://doi.org/10.3390/s20247007. (SCI检索,IF 3.576,国际T3区)
16. Lingchong Zhong, Wenfeng Li*, Bin Qian, Lijun He. Improved discrete cuckoo-search algorithm for mixed no-idle permutation flow shop scheduling with consideration of energy consumption [J]. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing, 2021, 3(4): 345-355. (EI检索)
17. 贺利军,李文锋*,张煜.基于灰色综合关联分析的多目标优化方法[J].控制与决策, 2020, 35(5): 1134-1142. (EI检索)
18. 贺利军,刘超,朱光宇*.基于模糊关联熵的高维多目标流水车间调度优化[J].计算机集成制造系统, 2015, 21(10): 2704-2710. (EI检索)
19. 钟祾充,李文锋*,贺利军,张煜,周勇.集装箱码头混合零空闲柔性流水作业调度优化[J].计算机集成制造系统, 2021. (EI检索)
20. 范媛,李文锋*,贺利军.基于改进遗传算法的智能仓储多移动机器人协同调度[J].太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐学报(信息与管理工程版), 2019, 41(3): 293-311. (中文核心)
21. 张煜*,熊得鹏,马少康,贺利军,李斌.在线环境下客货滚装船多目标动态配载决策[J].太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐学报(交通科学与工程版), 2021, online. (中文核心)
李文锋(主编),贺利军(副主编).智慧物流.华中科技大学出版社, 2022,9.
1. 国家科技部重点研发计划“综合交通运输与智能交通”:多式联运智能集成技术与装备开发(批准号:2019YFB 1600400),507万,参与
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于移动智能体调度的混杂工业无线传感器网络抗毁性研究(批准号:61571336),60万,参与
3. 研究生自主创新研究基金(优秀博士论文培育项目):融合群智能和机器学习的多目标柔性作业车间调度(批准号:2019-YB-033),3万,主持
4. 国家留学基金委公派联合培养博士项目:Multi-objective double flexible job-shop scheduling with sequence-dependent setup times,10万,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:多式联运港口的移动装备分布柔性生产智能多目标调度研究(批准号:62173263),58万,参与
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:三峡枢纽航运突发事件船舶交通应急调控方法研究(批准号:71874132),48万,参与
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:自动化集装箱港口自愈容错应急调控方法研究(批准号:72174160),48万,参与
8. 武汉某企业横向项目:机器人装配智能车间规划,20万,参与
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence、Applied Soft Computing等多个国际SCI期刊审稿人