






地址:湖北省武汉市和平大道1178号 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐, 430063










2019.8- 2022.8博士,美国北卡罗莱纳大学夏洛特分校,工学院,交通系统;




The latest paper please refer tohttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Li-Song-53;

or https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=CyNM5yIAAAAJ;

1. Song, L., Fan, W.# and Li, Y. (2021). Time-of-day variations and the temporal instability of multi-vehicle crash injury severities under the influence of alcohol or drugs after the Great Recession. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 32, 100183. (SCI, JCR 1区|中科院1区, IF:11.8)

2. Song, L.,Fan, W.,# Li, Y., Wu, P. (2021). Exploring pedestrian injury severities at pedestrian-vehicle crash hotspots with an annual upward trend: a spatiotemporal analysis with latent class random parameter approach, Journal of Safety Research, 76, 184-196. (SCI, JCR 1区|中科院2区, IF: 3.5)

3. Song, L.,Li, Y., Fan, W.#, and Wu, P. (2020). Modeling pedestrian-injury severities in pedestrian-vehicle crashes considering spatiotemporal patterns: insights from different hierarchical Bayesian random-effects models. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 28, 100137. (SCI, JCR 1区|中科院1区, IF:11.8)

4. Song, L.and Fan, W.# (2020). Combined latent class and partial proportional odds model approach to exploring the heterogeneities in truck-involved severities at cross and T-intersections, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 144, 105638. (SCI, JCR 1区|中科院1区, IF: 5.0)

5. Song, L.and Fan W.# (2021). Traffic signal control under mixed traffic with connected and automated vehicles: a transfer-based deep reinforcement learning approach. IEEE ACCESS. 9, 145228-145237. (SCI, JCR 2区|中科院2区, IF: 3.4)

6. Song, L.and Fan, W.#, (2023). Performance of State-Shared Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Controlled Signal Corridor with Platooning-Based CAVs, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: System,(SCI, IF:2.252)

7. Song, L.and Fan, W.#, (2023). Intersection capacity adjustments considering different market penetration rates of connected and automated vehicles. Transportation Planning and Technology(SCI)

8. Song, L.,Li, Y., Fan, W.,# Liu, P. (2021). Mixed logit approach to analyzing pedestrian injury severity in pedestrian-vehicle crashes in North Carolina: considering time of day and day of week, Traffic Injury Prevention, 22(7), 524-529. (SCI, JCR 4区, IF: 1.5)

9. Song, L.,Fan, W.,# Liu, P. (2021). Exploring the effects of connected and automated vehicles at fixed and actuated signalized intersections with different market penetration rates, Transportation Planning and Technology, 44(6), 577-593. (SCI, JCR 4区, IF: 1.2)

10. Song, L.,Fan, W.# (2021). Exploring truck driver-injury severity at intersections considering heterogeneity in latent classes: a case study of North Carolina, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 10(2), 110-120.

11. Song, L.,Chen, J.#, et. al. (2018). Periodical characteristics of shipbuilding market activity: A wavelet analysis. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 26(5), 692-702. (SCI, JCR 4区, IF: 1.4)

12. Chen, J., Xue, K., Song, L.#,et al. (2019). Periodicity of world crude oil maritime transportation: Case analysis of Aframax Tanker market. Energy Strategy Reviews, 25, 47-55. (SCI, JCR 2区, IF:6.4, 通讯作者)

13. Wang, X., Song, L.#,Wu, Z., Wu, P. (2019). Development of a freeway traffic noise prediction model based on equivalent sound source at the shoulder. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport. (SCI, Q4, IF:1.1, 通讯作者)

14. Li, Y., Song, L.and Fan, W.# (2021). Day-of-the-week variations and temporal instability of factors influencing pedestrian injury severity in pedestrian-vehicle crashes: a random parameters logit approach with heterogeneity in means and variances. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 29, 100152. (SCI, JCR 1区|中科院1区, IF:11.8)

15. Wu, P., Song, L.,Meng, X.# (2022). Temporal analysis of cellphone-use-involved crash injury severities: Calling for preventing cellphone-use-involved distracted driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 169, 106625. (SCI, JCR 1区|中科院1区, IF: 5.0)



2.研究生课程:1)自动驾驶交通安全理论与方法(00212069)、2)交通系统管理与控制(智能交通系统部分, 00223005)、3)交通系统管控方法与实践(智能交通控制部分, 00241070);





1. 2024推荐论文,世界交通大会执委会;

2. 2023优秀论文一等奖,广西道路运输协会;

3. 2022国家优秀自费职工奖学金,中国国家留学基金管理委员会;

4. 2021 Don Blackburn 纪念奖学金,北卡州交通工程师协会,美国;

5. 2021 Paul D. Cribbins Cup 奖杯, UNCC, 北卡州交通工程师协会,美国;


1. 2024孔桦桦,宋力,李士杰,柳乐,陈婷婷,张学全,蒋立靓.一种车联网场景下的车速管控方法、系统、装置和介质. ZL 2024103079678

2. 2024宋力,杨启明,宋岱骋,林毅轩,黄林风.一种移动式路侧行人交通冲突监测与预警装置及方法. ZL 2024104897429

3. 2023张学全,陈超然,宋力,陈国俊,张抒扬.面向早高峰地铁站接驳的共享单车综合调度方法及系统. CN 202310711918.6

4. 2023张学全,黄震,宋力,刘兵.兼顾全局效率与局部错位的城市交通路网韧性评估方法,发明专利,ZL202310570846.8,

5. 2018王晓宁,宋力,吴佩洁.一种危化品集装箱的火灾报警与自动灭火系统,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2018 1 0446653.0.




2023.8-2024.7领域编辑(Area Editor): COTA 2024会议;



2019.8-Now审稿: Analytic Methods in Accident Research, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, Transportation Research Record, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Transportation Planning and Technology, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), Journal of Advanced Transportation, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, etc.
