



黄亚敏,男,博士,研究员。2011年6月本科毕业于太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐海事管理专业,获得工学学士学位;同年保送本校交通信息工程及控制专业, 2014年6月获工学硕士学位。2014年9月,获公派留学资格赴荷兰代尔夫特理工大学就读智能船舶与安全专业,2019年11月获博士学位,2020年获批湖北省楚天学者计划楚天学子。



2007.09-2011.07        太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐,海事管理,学士

2011.09-2014.07        太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐,交通信息工程及控制,硕士

2014.09-2019.11        荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,智能船舶与安全,博士



2019.07 - 至今           太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐智能交通系统研究中心,研究员

2019.12 - 2019.07        太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐智能交通系统研究中心,助理研究员

2014.03 - 2014.05        香港理工大学董浩云国际海事研究中心,科研助理



1.      人机共融下船舶自主避碰技术研究(52001241),国家自然科学基金(2021-2023),24万元,主持

2.      多船会遇下船舶避碰风险与水上交通态势研究(JMCBZD202007),船舶辅助导航技术国家地方联合工程研究中心开放基金,3万元,主持

3.      中国-荷兰-挪威绿色智能船舶领域科技合作过程管理,科技部国际合作司(2020-2021),参与

4.      船岸协同环境下内河集装箱船舶增强驾驶关键技术研究及示范应用,浙江省重点研发计划(2021-2023),参与

5.      湖北省楚天学者计划-楚天学子(2020






(一)  船舶运动规划与避碰相关 (Ship Motion Planning and Collision Avoidance)

[1] Y. Huang, L. Chen, P. Chen, R. R. Negenborn, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. 2020. Ship Collision Avoidance Methods: State-Of-The-Art. Safety Science. 121: 451-473. (SCI, Q1)

[2] Y. Huang, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder, Y. Wen. 2018. Velocity obstacle algorithms for collision prevention at sea. Ocean Engineering 151: 308-321. (SCI, Q1)

[3] L. Du, F. Goerlandt, O.V. Banda, Y. Huang*, Wen, Y., & Kujala, P. 2020. Improving stand-on ship's situational awareness: A non-linear velocity obstacle (NL-VO) algorithm approach. Ocean Engineering, 201, 107110. (SCI, Q1)

[4] L. Chen, R. R. Negenborn, Y. Huang, & J.J. Hopman. (Online). Survey on Cooperative Control for Waterborne Transport. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine.

[5] L. Chen, Y. Huang, H. Zheng, J.J. Hopman, R.R. Negenborn. (Online). Cooperative multi-vessel systems in urban waterway networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (SCI, Q1)

(二)  智能船舶人机交互设计 (Human-Machine-Interaction MASS)

[6] Y. Huang, L. Chen, R. R. Negenborn, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. (2020). A Ship Collision Avoidance System for Human-Machine Cooperation During Collision Avoidance. Ocean Engineering. 217: 107913 (SCI, Q1)

[7] Y. Huang, L. Chen, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. 2019. Generalized velocity obstacle algorithm for collision prevention at sea. Ocean Engineering 173: 142-156. (SCI, Q1)

(三)  航行(碰撞)风险与风险管理 (Nautical Risk and Risk Mitigation)

[8] Y. Huang, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. 2020. Collision risk measure for triggering evasive actions of maritime autonomous surface ships. Safety Science, 127, 104708. (SCI, Q1)

[9] Y. Huang, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. 2020. Time-varying risk measurement for ship collision prevention. Risk Analysis 40(1): 24-42. (SCI/SSCI, Q1)

[10] P. Chen, Y. Huang, J. Mou, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. 2019. Probabilistic risk analysis for ship-ship collision: state-of-the-art. Safety Science. 117: 108-122 (SCI, Q1)

[11] P. Chen, Y. Huang, J. Mou, P. H. A. J. M. van Gelder. 2018. Ship collision candidate detection method: A velocity obstacle approach. Ocean Engineering 170:186-198. (SCI, Q1)

[12] P. Chen, Y. Huang, E. Papadimitriou, J. Mou, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. 2020. Global path planning for autonomous ship: A hybrid approach of Fast Marching Square and velocity obstacles methods. Ocean Engineering, 214, 107793. (SCI, Q1)

[13] 朱曼甘浪雄文元桥黄亚敏肖长诗. 2013. 一种船舶失控情况下桥区水域范围界定方法中国安全科学学报. 23(7): 85-91.

(四)  交通态势与交通组织相关 (Traffic Situation and Management)

[14] Y. Huang, T.L. Yip, Y. Wen. 2019. Comparative analysis of marine traffic flow in classical models. Ocean Engineering 187: 106195. (SCI, Q1)

[15] Y. Wen, Y. Huang, C. Zhou, J. Yang, C. Xiao, X. Wu. 2015. Modelling of marine traffic flow complexity. Ocean Engineering 104:500-510. (SCI, Q1)

[16] 文元桥杜磊黄亚敏孙腾达肖长诗周春辉. 2017. 水上交通流宏观复杂度建模与仿真系统仿真学报 29(4). 826-831.

[17] 张明阳张笛郭欢付姗姗黄亚敏. 2017. 基于Lempel-Ziv算法与TOPSIS的水上交通流复杂性测度交通运输工程学报 17(1). 109-118. (EI 收录)

[18] 文元桥黄亚敏杨君兰肖长诗周春辉吴晓春. 2014. 水上交通流结构复杂度建模中国航海. 37(2), 62-68.


[1].   Y. Huang,L. Chen, R. R. Negenborn, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. 2020. Collision avoidance systems for maritime autonomous surface ships considering uncertainty in ship dynamics. Paper presented at the 21st IFAC World Congress (IFAC2020), Berlin, Germany.

[2].   Y. Huang, P.H.A.J.M. 2019. Measuring Ship Collision Risk via Generalized Velocity Obstacle Algorithm. 13th International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Gdynia, Poland.

[3].   Y. Huang and P.H.A.J.M. Van Gelder. 2017. Non-linear velocity obstacles with applications to the maritime domain. In the 17th International Congress on Maritime Transportation and Harvesting of Sea Resources (IMAM 2017), eds. Guedes Soares and Teixeira. Lisbon, Portugal: Taylor & Francis Group. (EI 收录)

[4].   Y. Huang, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder & M.B. Mendel. 2016. Imminent ships collision risk assessment based on velocity obstacle. Walls, Revie & Bedford (Eds). Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice (ERESL 2016). 693-700., Glasgow, the UK.

[5].   Y. Huang, Y. Wen, C. Zhou, J. Yang. 2013. Modeling of Marine Traffic Flow Structure Complexity and Application. in 12th Asia Navigation Conference (ANC 2013). Busan, South Korea.

[6].   B. Wu, Y. Wen, Y. Huang, M. Zhu. 2013. Research of Unmanned Surface VesselUSV path-planning algorithm based on ARCGIS. in 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2013). Wuhan, China. (EI 收录; citation: 4)






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