



      湖北武汉人,博士,助理研究员,中共党员。2012年毕业于太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐获海事管理学士学位后,以优异成绩获太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐硕士研究生免推资格,并于2015年毕业获得交通信息工程与控制硕士学位;2015年获得德国全额工资研究职位并于同期开展博士课题研究,于2018年获德国奥登堡大学计算机科学博士学位(导师:Prof.Dr.-Ing.Axel Hahn);20195月起就职于太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐智能交通系统研究中心;2020年获硕士研究生导团队格;2019/09-2020/09在合肥赛为智能有限公司(人工智能研究院)挂职。











[1].    国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,内河智能船舶操纵运动模型参数的鲁棒自适应辨识方法研究,2021/01-2023/1224万元,在研,主持

[2].    国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,水上交通态势的多尺度表达,2021/01-2024/1268万元,在研,参与

[3].    浙江省重点研发计划项目,船岸协同环境下内河集装箱船舶增强驾驶关键技术研究及示范应用,2021-2023,在研,参与

[4].    德国下萨克森州立研究生项目,Safe Automation of Maritime Systems21-78904-83-5/14, 2014/10-2018/10200万欧元,已结题,参与

[5].    太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐三亚科教园开放基金,智能船舶操纵运动模型参数的鲁棒自适应方法研究,2021/01-2022/063.8万元,主持

[6].    交通运输部长航局项目,长江航运十四五科技发展规划研究,2020/04-2020/1216万元,在研,主持

[7].    交通运输部海事局科研项目,全球海上动态监控能力研究,2019/07-2020/0212万元,在研,参与

[8].    太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐自主创新研究基金项目,基于环境势场的内河无人艇巡航路径规划研究,2014/05-2015/051万元,已结题,主持

[9].    太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐自主创新研究基金项目,海事无人艇自适应全局路径规划与局部自主避碰算法研究及改进,2013/05-2014/051万元,已结题,参与

[10]. 交通运输部项目,内河LNG燃料动力船舶安全操作及监督管理研究,2012/09-2013/0950万元,已结题,参与




(一)   船舶操纵运动辨识建模(Identification-based Modeling of Ship Dynamics


[1]      Man Zhu*, Wuqiang Sun, Axel Hahn, Yuanqiao Wen, Changshi Xiao, Wei Tao, Adaptive modeling of maritime autonomous surface ships with uncertainty using a weighted LS-SVR robust to outliers. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 200: 107053.(SCI, Q1)

[2]      Man Zhu*, Axel Hahn, Yuanqiao Wen, Wuqiang Sun, Optimized Support Vector Regression Algorithm-based Modeling of Ship Dynamics. Applied Ocean Research, 2019, 90: 101842. (SCI, Q2)

[3]      Man Zhu*, Axel Hahn, Yuanqiao Wen, Andre Bolles, Identification-based Simplified Model of Large Container Ships Using Support Vector Machines and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 68: 249-261. (SCI, Q2)

[4]      Man Zhu*, Yuanqiao Wen, Wuqiang Sun, Bo Wu, A Novel Adaptive Weighted Least Square Support Vector Regression Algorithm-based Identification of the Ship Dynamic Model, IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 128910-128924. (SCI, Q1)

[5]      Man Zhu, Axel Hahn, Yuanqiao Wen, Bolles Andre. Parameter identification of ship maneuvering models using recursive least square method based on support vector machines. TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 2017, 11(1): 23–29. (被引次数: 8)


[6]      Man Zhu. Optimized Support Vector Regression Algorithm-based Modeling of Ship Dynamics. Germany, Oldenburg: Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (Germany) press, 2019.03.


[7]      Zhu, M., Hahn, A., Wen, Y., and Andre, B. Comparison and Optimization of the Parameter Identification Technique for Estimating Ship Response Models. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering, 北京,中国,20178月,pp.743-750. (口头报告; EI检索被引次数: 2)

[8]      Zhu, M., Hahn, A., and Wen, Y. Simulative Evaluation of Applying Optimized Support Vector Machines to Identify the Simplified Ship Dynamic Model. IEEE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, Emden,德国,20177月,pp.381-388. (口头报告; EI检索)


[9]      一种应用于船舶运动控制的自适应船舶运动建模方法专利号:ZL 201910903839.9 (排名1/7)

(二)   船舶路径规划与运动控制(Path Planning and Motion Control for Ships


[10]   Yuanqiao Wen, Wei Tao, Man Zhu*, Jie Zhou, Changshi Xiao. Characteristic Model-based Path Following Controller Design for the Miniature Unmanned Surface Vessel. Applied Ocean Research, 2020, 101: 102293. (SCI, Q2)

[11]   Man Zhu*, Axel Hahn, Yuanqiao Wen, Identification-based Controller Design Using Cloud Model for Course-keeping of Ships in Waves, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 75: 22-35. (SCI, Q1)

[12]   Man Zhu, Axel Hahn, Yuanqiao Wen, Fan Zhang. Maritime Unmanned Vehicle Cruise Path Planning for Maritime Information Collection. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016, 49(23): 103-108. (EI检索被引次数: 3)

[13]   Chunhui Zhou, Shangding Gu, Yuanqiao Wen, Zhe Du, Changshi Xiao, Liang Huang, Man Zhu. The review unmanned surface vehicle path planning: Based on multi-modality constraint. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 200: 107043. (SCI, Q1)

[14]   Shangding Gu, Chunhui Zhou, Yuanqiao Wen, Xi Zhong, Man Zhu, Changshi Xiao, Zhe Du. A motion planning method for unmanned surface vehicle in restricted waters. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2020, 234(2): 332-345. (SCI, Q2)

[15]   Chunhui Zhou, Shangding Gu, Yuanqiao Wen, Zhe Du, Changshi Xiao, Liang Huang, Man Zhu. Motion planning for an unmanned surface vehicle based on topological position maps. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 198: 106798. (SCI, Q1)


[16]   Tao, W., Zhu, M.*, Wen, Y.Q., et al. Designing a characteristic model-based adaptive path following controller for unmanned surface vehicles. 12th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, 大田韩国, 20199, pp.347-352.

[17]   Zhu, M., Wang, Y., Wen, Y., Xiao, C., Wu, X., and Wu, B. A Global Path Planning Algorithm of Unmanned Vessel in Inland Waterway. The 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, 武汉,中国,20136月,pp.2106-2113. (口头报告; EI检索被引次数: 2)

[18]   Zhu, M., Wen, Y., Xiao, C.,Zhou, C., and Wu, B. Global Path Planning of Maritime Unmanned Vehicle Based on Real-time Environment Information. The 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan,韩国,20146月,pp.1177-1181. (口头报告; EI检索被引次数: 1)

[19]   Wu, B., Wen, Y., Huang, Y., and Zhu, M., Xiao, C., and Wu, X. Research of Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) path-planning algorithm based on ArcGis. The 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, 武汉,中国,20136月,pp.2125-2134. (EI检索被引次数: 6)


[20]   一种自适应复杂度栅格环境模型构建方法以及路径搜索方法,申请号:202011430656.9 (排名1/5

[21]   一种基于ROS的无人艇运动控制仿真方法及装置,申请号:CN202110135583.9,(排名1/6

[22]   面向不确定干扰的船舶航向智能控制方法,申请号:CN202110228467.1,(排名1/5

(三)   船舶体系架构与测验平台(Architecture and Testbed of Ships


[23]   Man Zhu*, Yuanqiao Wen, Design and Analysis of Collaborative Unmanned Surface-Aerial Vehicle Cruise Systems, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019, 2019, 10pages. (SCI, Q2)


[24]   一种水面无人艇一体化测验平台系统,申请号:202022637159.8(排名1/6

[25]   一种水面无人艇远程控制平台,申请号:CN202120343848.X,(排名3/6


[26]   文元桥肖长诗朱曼吴博水面无人艇的体系结构与运动控制. 978-7-56296092-8. 武汉:太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐出版社, 2019.08.

(四)   船舶航行安全与风险评估(Risk Assessment of Ship Navigation


[27]   Man Zhu, Yuanqiao Wen, Chunhui Zhou, Changshi Xiao. Comprehensive Evaluation Cloud Model for Ship Navigation Adaptability. TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 2014, 8(3): 331-336. (被引次数: 3)

[28]   朱曼,周春辉,文元桥*肖长诗沉船碍航性综合评价的云模型研究太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐学报, 2014, 36(3):64-70. (CNKI收录)

[29]   朱曼,甘浪雄,文元桥*黄亚敏,肖长诗(2013). 一种船舶失控状态下桥区水域范围界定方法中国安全科学学报, 2013, 23(7) 86-92. (CNKI收录被引次数: 6)

[30]   朱曼,文元桥*肖长诗,胡清波船舶通航适应性综合评价的云模型研究太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐学报, 2013, 35(7):63-68. (CNKI收录被引次数: 31)

[31]   胡适军,钱琳,朱曼*段丽红基于网络流割集理论的水网航道交通容量计算太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐学报, 2014, 36(4): 86-91. (CKNI收录被引次数: 2)




学术兼职】:目前担任《Transportation Safety and Environment》期刊梯队编委,《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》、《Ocean Engineering》、《Applied Ocean Research》、《IEEE Access》、《China Ocean Engineering》等多个SCI/SCIE学术期刊审稿人。








