联系方式: yongchen@whut.edu.cn ;15071481768
2011.09 – 2018.01 苏黎世联邦理工学院,瑞士 能源科学与工程 博士
2008.09 – 2011.06 浙江大学 流体力学 硕士
2004.09 – 2008.06 华中科技大学 机械设计制造及其自动化 学士
2019.02 – 至今 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐 教师
• Chen, Y., Jiang, P., Xiong, T., Wei, W., Fang, Z., Wang, B. (2021). Drag and heat transfer coefficients for
axisymmetric nonspherical particles: A LBM study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 424, 130391.
• Chen, Y., Wang, X., Zhu, H. (2021). A general single-node second-order boundary condition for the lattice
Boltzmann method. Physics of Fluids, 33, 049917.
• Gong, Y., Chen, Y. (2020). Molecular surface estimation by geometric coupled distance functions. IEEE
Access, 8, 176263-176273.
• Chen, Y., Müller, C.R. (2020). Gas-solid heat transfer in assemblies of cubes for Rev≤100. Chemical
Engineering Science, 216, 115478.
• Chen, Y., Müller, C.R. (2020). A Dirichlet boundary condition for the thermal lattice Boltzmann method,
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 123, 103184.
• Gong, Y.H., Chen, Y. (2019). Computing Gaussian curvature in real-time for 4K video processing, IEEE
Access, 7, 115936-115944.
• Chen, Y., Müller, C.R. (2019). Lattice Boltzmann simulation of gas-solid heat transfer in random assemblies
of spheres: The effect of solids volume fraction on the average Nusselt number for Re≤100, Chemical
Engineering Journal, 361, 1392-1399.
• Chen, Y., Müller, C.R. (2018). Development of a drag force correlation for assemblies of cubic particles:
The effect of solid volume fraction and Reynolds number, Chemical Engineering Science, 192, 1157-1166.
• Chen, Y., Third, J.R., Müller, C.R. (2015). A drag force correlation for approximately cubic particles
constructed from identical spheres, Chemical Engineering Science, 123, 146-154.