![]() | 姓名 | 童亮 | 出生年月 | 1988年9月 |
性别 | 男 | 职称 | 助理研究员 | |
邮箱 | tongliang2@whut.edu.cn | 硕/博导 | ||
联系电话 | 13437257688 | |||
研究领域 | 氢气储存与纯化 | |||
教育经历 | 2017.9-2020.6 加拿大三河城魁北克大学 能源与材料科学 博士 2015.9-2019.12 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐 汽车运用工程 博士 2010.9-2012.6 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐 车辆工程 硕士 2006.9-2010.6 江汉大学 汽车服务工程 学士 | |||
工作经历 | 2020.7-至今 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐 交通运输工程 博士后 2012.7-2015.8 神龙汽车有限公司 工程师 | |||
科研项目 | 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,51476120,《氢气纯化变压吸附热效应研究》,2015-2018,已结题,参与。 | |||
代表性论文、专利 及著作 | 论文: 1. Liang Tong, Jinsheng Xiao, Yonghua Cai, Pierre Bénard, Richard Chahine. Thermal effect and flow-through cooling of an adsorptive hydrogen delivery tank. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2016; 41: 16094-16100. 2. Liang Tong, Jinsheng Xiao, Tianqi Yang, Pierre Bénard, Richard Chahine. Complete and reduced models for metal hydride reactor with coiled-tube heat exchanger. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019; 44: 15907-15916. 3. Liang Tong, Jinsheng Xiao, Pierre Bénard, Richard Chahine. Thermal management of metal hydride hydrogen storage reservoir using phase change materials. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019; 44: 21055-21066. 4. Jinsheng Xiao, Liang Tong, Pierre Bénard, Richard Chahine. Thermodynamic analysis for hydriding-dehydriding cycle of metal hydride system. Energy 2020; 191: 116535. 5. Jinsheng Xiao, Liang Tong, Tiangqi Yang, Pierre Bénard, Richard Chahine. Lumped parameter simulation of hydrogen storage and purification systems using metal hydrides. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017; 42: 3698-3707. 6. Jinsheng Xiao, Liang Tong, Daniel Cossement, Pierre Bénard, Richard Chahine. CFD simulation for charge-discharge cycle of cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage on activated carbon. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012; 37:12893-12904. 7. Shuo Ma, Liang Tong, Feng Ye, Jinsheng Xiao, Pierre Bénard, Richard Chahine. Hydrogen purification layered bed optimization based on artificial neural network prediction of breakthrough curves. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019; 44: 5324-5333. 8. Feng Ye, Shuo Ma, Liang Tong, Jinsheng Xiao, Pierre Bénard, Richard Chahine. Artificial neural network based optimization for hydrogen purification performance of pressure swing adsorption. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019; 44: 5334-5344. 9. Hafsa El Mghari, Jacques Huot, Liang Tong, Jinsheng Xiao. Selection of phase change materials, metal foams and geometries for improving metal hydride performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45: 14922-14939.
译著: 1. Tapan Bose, Pierre Malbrunot, Pierre Bénard, John Viola [著]. 肖金生,蔡永华,叶锋,童亮,潘菊英 [译]. 图说氢能——面向21世纪的能源挑战,机械工业出版社,2018. | |||
所获奖励 | 1. 2016年,加拿大魁北克省政府奖学金 | |||
国际交流与合作 | ||||
招生专业 | 硕士招生专业 | |||
博士招生专业 | ||||
毕业生主要去向 |