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Call for papers



The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Automation in Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics (iCaMaL2023), is an annual meeting for the discussion and exchange on the recent progress of digital, automatic and intelligent technologies in the fields of Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics. It will be held in Wuhan, China on November 3rd-5th, 2023.

The theme of iCaMaL2023 is Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics under the Evolution Trend of Digital Economy. The conference will feature plenary speeches, panel sessions, tutorials, workshops, interactive sessions, and invited/special sessions. We would like to invite you to submit contributing papers regarding to the recent development of Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics, especially on the spotlight theme, to the iCaMaL2023.

Technical topics of the conference are focused on advanced automation methods and technologies on Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics, including but are not limited to:


Intelligent/Advanced manufacturing

Automated inspection & quality control

Diagnostics and maintenance

Industrial 4.0 system and practice

Advanced mechanism and robots

MEMS/NEMS/Flexible electronics

Energy harvesters/Sensors/Actuators

Smart materials and structures

Topology & Generative design

Mechanical dynamics/Vibration control

Cooperative manufacturing


Cooperative transportation

Intermodal/Multimodal transport

Novel/Comprehensive transportation

Traffic risk assessment and control

Resilience and fault tolerance

Autonomous agents and multi-agents

Decarbonization/Green technology

Formation control/cooperative operation

Human-machine interaction

Facility location/Multiple mode positioning

Autonomous vehicles/ AGV

Mobile robots/Intelligent robots

Remote Driving/Vehicle to everything

Autonomous transportation


Cooperative logistics

Smart and digital supply chains

Risk management of supply chains

Physical internet

Smart ports/Smart logistics/ITS

Sustainable logistics/shipping

Autonomous transportation

Logistic networking and super network

Port Logistics

Port handling and transport process

Scheduling and resource allocation

Data driven Scheduling/Decision

Coordinated planning/scheduling

Container routing/Vehicle routing

Service network design

l    Other Topics

Sensor design, integration and fusion

Sensor networks

5G application

Cooperative sensing/control

Big Data technology/management

Block chain

Cyber-physical systems/IoT

Digital Twin/VR/AR/MR/Metaverse

Cloud computing/Edge computing

Deep learning

Machine vision

Artificial intelligence

Multi-levelmulti-objective optimization

Simulation based optimization/scheduling

Modeling/Simulation/Optimization of complex system


Accepted papers will be included into the conference proceedings according to the presentation and the authors’ choice, which will be published to the third party publisher and would be indexed by EI (Compendex), etc. Authors of selected qualified papers will be invited to submit revised and expanded version of their papers to special issues of international journals (SCI), such as T-ASE, FSMJ, Sensors...

Special issue of T-ASE: https://www.ieee-ras.org/images/publications/t-ase/2023/CFP_-_Smart_Coordination_for_Logistics_Operational_Control.pdf

Special issue of FSMJ:

Special issue of Sensors:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/JE4V5Y5AOV

Important Dates

March 30, 2023       Workshop and Special session proposals deadline

April 30, 2023       Detailed abstract submission due

May 30, 2023     June 30, 2023        Full paper submission due

June 30, 2023     July 16, 2023   Paper submission due 

July 30, 2023     Aug. 15, 2023       Notification of acceptance

Sept. 30, 2023        Camera-ready copy due

Nov. 3-5, 2023       Conference